Print Inspection

aiPrint : 100% Inspection of Rolls & Sheets


Miss-prints, smearing, off-centered, quality, etc.

Narrow Web

Scratches, smearing, color, water marks, miss-prints

Flexible Packaging

Miss-prints, color, splashing, smearing, scratches, marks

Folding Cartons

Marks, miss-prints, smearing, color, water marks


Marks, miss-prints, smearing, color, knots

Max Speed
0 ft/mi
Max Width
0 ft
Max Cameras
Max Resolution
2 K

100% Inspection Of Prints

  • Turnkey solution for 2D print inspection
  • Effortlessly integrates into any workflow
  • Filtering & convolutions
  • Offline yield analysis reviewer tool
  • Integrates easily into any workflow

aiPrint Inspection live page

Template Matching

Compare to a golden reference or perform a relative comparison

Defect Classification

Multilevel classification using deep learning and rules based classifiers

Background Defect Detection

Smear, smudges, and streak detection and classification

Text Defect Detection

Separate filter for filled and missing text detection

PDF Verification

Verify reference image against a PDF design file

Repeat Length Monitoring

Repeat to repeat length monitoring

Defect Density Analysis

Density analysis based on user defined criteria

Registration Tracking

Color registration error detection and monitoring


Optical character recognition and verification


1D & 2D barcode decoding and grading

Color Measurement

Relative color measurement tool

Repeating Defect Detection

Filter to detect repeating defects across multiple repeat lengths

Live Video & Recording

Full resolution live video display, recording, & playback

User Interface & Reports

Intuitive user interface to view inspection results and reports

Discrete I/O

Digital I/O for inspection control, alarms, and defect marking

Decision Matrix

User defined decision matrix to control actions on defect detection


Customizable PDF, HTML, XML, and CVS reports

Database Storage

Open schema database to store inspection results

Plant Integration

Plant integration via PLC, Sockets, & Files.

OPC Server

Easily connects to SCADA systems via OPC interface


  • Lowest cost turnkey system
  • Uses one or two 2K or 4K cameras
  • Suitable for slow moving or narrow webs
  • Packaged with essential inspection tools
  • Easy to install and maintain
  • Simplified user interface


  • Scalable high performance system
  • Supports multiple 4K/8K/15K cameras
  • Multiple defect detection algorithms
  • Machine learning classifier
  • Large set of selectable tools
  • Detailed PDF, CSV, and XML reports
  • Remote viewer for review archived data
  • Live remote and yield analysis


  • Full width imaging using line scan cameras
  • Acquires full resolution color images
  • Repeat pattern alignment
  • Multiple monitoring windows
  • Record 100% of sheet or roll surface
  • Use events to trigger recording
  • High speed recording using NVMe and SSD storage
  • Recording capacity up to 10 TB
  • Flexible viewing and image annotation